In This Section


Orientation Lecture Series

A series of introductory lectures is presented during July and August. These lectures are intended to orient the first-year PM&R residents to the types of patients and their problems which they will encounter throughout their career. These lectures are presented by faculty and allied rehabilitation professionals.

Didactic Lecture Series

Didactic lectures consist of a series of lectures and demonstrations taught by faculty, residents and guest lecturers. The sessions are intended to review anatomy, physiology and kinesiology. Textbooks and articles are referenced. These lectures extend from September to the following June and are held on Wednesday mornings at MossRehab Hospital.

Resident Presentations / Grand Rounds

Each resident is assigned to present one Grand Rounds yearly on a topic of interest that has an identified educational need. An in-depth discussion is presented to residents, faculty and invited physicians and staff. The resident will utilize handouts, audiovisual aids, guest experts and/or clinical material.

Journal Clubs

The residents will be assigned journal articles and will lead a discussion of the clinical and research merits of the paper. Journal Clubs occur monthly at Temple University Hospital within the clinical science curriculum under the supervision of a faculty member.


Local, regional and national conferences sponsored by the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (AAPM&R), the Association of Academic Physiatrists (AAP), and other major organizations invite presentations and attendance by residents. Temple University Hospital's PM&R Residency Program encourages resident participation in:

  • Poster and paper (oral) presentations
  • Panel discussions
  • Administrative areas (Resident Physician Council)
  • Program organization

It is a requirement of our Program that a resident must submit at least one abstract suitable for presentation during his or her three years.

The Program provides funds for resident support to attend selected conferences including travel and lodging. The amount of reimbursement is determined by the Temple University Hospital Graduate Medical Education department.