The strength of the Department of Thoracic Medicine and Surgery lies in its clinical programs. Each year, the department’s physicians treat more than 50,000 patients, of which approximately one-half are cared for on an outpatient basis.

Temple’s pulmonary services extend beyond Temple University Hospital to also cover Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus and the Temple Health Oaks outpatient center. Across the health system, Temple physicians perform approximately 1,000 invasive pulmonary procedures per year. Volume continues to grow with regard to the higher-end, more specialized procedures including endobronchial ultrasound and navigational bronchoscopy. Bronchial thermoplasty has also been added to the repertoire of interventional therapeutics performed by the pulmonary procedures service. Interventional Radiology is a key partner in this component, working alongside our pulmonary interventionalists to provide consistent and simultaneous services from consultations to highly complex care.

Distinct clinical programs found within the department include:    

Airway Disorders Program

Allergies Program

Bronchiectasis Program

Chronic Bronchitis Program

Chronic Cough Program

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Program

COVID Monoclonal Antibody Infusion Clinic

Critical Care Program

Diaphragm & Respiratory Muscle Disorders Program

Interstitial Lung Disease Program

Interventional Pulmonology Program

Lung Cancer Program

Lung Cancer Screening Program

Lung Nodule Clinic

Lung Transplant Program

Occupational Lung Disease Program

Post-COVID Recovery Clinic

Pulmonary Embolism Response Team

Pulmonary Hypertension Program

Pulmonology Program

Sarcoidosis Program

Sleep Disorders Center

Smoking Cessation Program

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Center

Thoracic Surgery

Women's Lung Disease Program


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