Surgery Clerkship

At Temple, we pride ourselves on providing all medical students, regardless of their future career, a premier experience in surgery. Students are assigned to two of our outstanding surgical subspecialty services and become vital members of the patient care team alongside our residents and physician extenders. Currently, students do two clinical rotations of three weeks each, allowing ample time to fully integrate into the care team. In addition to rotations at Temple University Hospital – Main Campus, students may rotate at:

  • Temple University Hospital – Jeanes Campus
  • St Luke’s Hospital
  • Fox Chase Cancer Center
  • Main Line Health
  • Lancaster General Hospital
  • Grandview Hospital

In addition to a robust operative and inpatient care experience, students will be involved in the outpatient management of both pre and postoperative surgical patients. All students receive initial training in sterile technique, gloving and gowning, urinary catheter insertion, and basic knot tying and suturing. A mid-clerkship advanced skills session is offered with simulated training in laparoscopic surgery, tube thoracostomy, and cricothyroidotomy.

Fourth year medical students also have many options to perform sub-internships or advanced electives on our services. Our focus is for advanced training and residency preparation for senior students on these rotations. Outside students may apply for rotations via the AAMC Visiting Student Learning Opportunities (VSLO) program.

Sunil Karhadkar, MD
Clerkship Director

Mary Pronovost, MD
Associate Clerkship Director