About the Department


The Department of Anesthesiology is comprised of more than 100 clinical professionals who work cooperatively to coordinate the care and management of patients throughout the Temple University Health System. Department members can be found in the operating rooms, procedural suites, intensive care units, consulting on complex questions involving both acute and chronic pain management, and leading the institution’s critical airway team. In addition, our faculty are intimately involved with multidisciplinary teams working to improve patient preparation and conditioning for surgery, intra-operative and post-operative care pathways, the use of informatics for continuous quality improvement in healthcare, and the rational utilization of advanced technologies such as robotic surgery and extracorporeal membrane oxygenation.

To help facilitate these roles the department maintains a faculty with a rich tapestry of past experiences. Our professional staff includes those who have worked extensively in both academic and private practice settings; several who hold doctoral degrees, law degrees, or master’s degrees in business administration or public health; and many who have enjoyed rewarding career paths prior to pursuing the specialty of anesthesiology.

The academic mission of the Department of Anesthesiology includes both the pursuit of scholarly work relevant to the evolving US healthcare delivery system as well as the didactic and clinical education of our residents and medical students. The clinical experience available in the operating rooms, critical care units, and through the consultation teams is robust and provides exposure to the evolving paradigm of coordinated longitudinal care management. Graduates of the Temple University anesthesiology residency program are highly sought for their clinical competence and they routinely continue on to top tier fellowships, academic faculty positions, and private practices.

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