The Sol Sherry Fellow, Resident, and Medical Student Research Symposium was initiated over 35 years ago to provide the fellows and residents in the Department of Medicine with an opportunity to present their research. This symposium reflects the ongoing research activities in the Department, and a year-end summation of the projects carried out by the medical students, fellows and residents.
2024 Sol Sherry Research Symposium: A sample of resident oral presentations
Michael Cimmino, DO: Timecourse and Predictors of Delayed Effect of Radiofrequency Energy After Acutely Unsuccessful PVC Ablation
Lauren Correia, MD: Disparities in Breast Cancer within the Fox Chase Cancer Center (FCCC) and Temple University Hospital (TUH) Patient Population
Shelby McNeilly, DO: Variation of Stomach Shapes in Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy: Correlation with Gastric Emptying Results, BMI and Symptoms
Nikita Dahake, MD: Ur-ine Need of Collection: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Improving Time to Urine Collection
Koura Sall, DO: Outcomes in a High-risk Pregnancy in a Predominantly Medicaid Insured Population with CVD in an Inner-City Hospital Managed with a Cardio-Obstetrics Program
Matthew Hope, MD, MPH: Impact of Expanded Medicaid Coverage for AOMs: One Academic Medical Center’s Experience
Prashasthi Ramesh, MD: Preliminary Analysis: Use of Point of Care Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing with Shape-HF System in Patients with Pulmonary Hypertension
Gabrielle Gillow, MD: Gastroparesis as an Early Manifestation of Gastric Cancer: A Descriptive Analysis of the Prevalence of Gastroparesis in GI Malignancy
Lauren Laderman, MD: Does Routine Clinical Assessment of Older Adults with Gastroesophageal Cancer Tell the Whole Story?
Jillian Hall, MD: Outcomes in patients with Sarcopenia and Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension
Mingyue He, MD: Gastrointestinal Bleeding (GIB) in Advanced Chronic Kidney Disease (ACKD) and Kidney Transplant Recipients (KT): A Comprehensive National Analysis
Alexis Coulis, MD: Simple Qualitative Echocardiographic Scoring System in Pulmonary Hypertension as a Strong Predictor of Outcomes and Right Heart Failure