
The award is intended for faculty striving for a career in research.  Applicants must have a primary appointment in the Department of Medicine at Lewis Katz School of Medicine, Temple University at the time of the grant award.  An applicant may be a senior fellow or incoming faculty at the time of application provided he/she has an established position on the faculty for FY 2022.  Established investigators are not eligible.  Individuals who hold or have held an NIH grant (e.g., R01, R21, K02, K08, K23, and K24) or major societal career development awards are not eligible.  Successful candidates must devote 50% of their effort to research.  A letter of support from the Section Chief must certify that the applicant will have 50% protected time for the research project if the application is successful, and describe how the clinical workload of the candidate will be modified to be no more than 50% of total effort.  Each candidate must have a research mentor who will help oversee the research and guide the applicant’s research development.  A letter from the applicant’s mentor is needed outlining his/her role and the environment he/she will provide. 

Award and Requirements

Award will consist of 50% protected time (salary support) and up to $5,000 per year for study related expenses for two years to support the proposed research.  All monies must be used within the two year award period.  Prior approval from the Department of Medicine Chair is required for delay in starting the research.  No requests for extensions can be approved.  Overhead costs are not allowed.  Awardee will need to provide a written report on progress along with a letter from their research mentor during the first and second years.  In addition, each year, awardee will make a presentation to the Department of Medicine Research Committee on their research, education, and upcoming plans.  The second year of funding is based on satisfactory accomplishments during the first year.  This review will take into account the research progress made and if external grants have been applied for and are pending.  If during the award, significant extramural funding with protected time is obtained, a portion of the funds from the Faculty Development Research Award will be returned and redirected towards other investigators.

Institutional and Sectional Commitment

There must be a strong commitment from the candidate’s section to provide the candidate 50% time for research and adequate access to needed resources.  These commitments must be clearly outlined in the letter from the candidate’s Section Chief.  This letter must certify that the award will be used to provide protected time for the recipient in accord with the terms of the award.  In addition, the candidate must have a letter of support from their preceptor/mentor, who will guide and nurture their research experience.


One electronic copy and one hard copy of the complete application package must be received by 3:00 pm on Thursday, March 25, 2021. The hard copy is delivered to the office of the Chair of Medicine in the Office of the Department of Medicine on Parkinson Pavilion 8th floor. The electronic copy should be a single pdf file and delivered via email:  henry.parkman@temple.edu. Grant review is in April and May with announcement of the awardee in June.  The award period generally begins July 1; but could be delayed for several months at the discretion of the awardee and their section chief.

Additional Information

Applicants should have their research mentor review the application prior to submission.  Applicants, research mentors, and/or Section Chiefs are encouraged to meet with members of the Department of Medicine Research Committee to discuss their planned applications in advance of the receipt deadline.  IRB approval must be obtained for all clinical research studies.  This should be applied for well in advance of the starting date of the award, as the monies of this award will not be available until successful IRB approval is obtained. 

Learn more about the application instructions and selection criteria of the Department Faculty Research Award.