PM&R Mission Statement

The Temple University Hospital Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in affiliation with Good Shepherd Rehabilitation Network strives to train PM&R physicians who are outstanding clinicians and who have compassion and commitment for caring for patients. We align with Temple University Hospital’s mission to provide access to the highest quality of health care in both the community and academic settings. The residency program has an academic focus with active research and community health endeavors which serve the population of Philadelphia and its surrounding regions.

Aim Statement

The primary aim of the Temple/Good Shepherd Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation residency program is to train excellent PM&R physicians capable of entering a clinical practice, academic medicine or specialty fellowship training. We strive to prepare PM&R residents to excel on the ABPMR Part 1 and 2 examinations, allowing them to become board certified physiatrists. We aim to produce competent, caring, and compassionate physicians who behave in an ethical and professional manner. Also, we aspire to develop a resident physician in PM&R with a goal of becoming comfortable treating primary care issues in the disabled population.

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