A Message from Nina Gentile, MD
Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine
Research Director, Department of Emergency Medicine
A wide variety of clinical research activities are underway in Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University's Department of Emergency Medicine, reflecting the diverse interests of our faculty and residents. Several Emergency Medicine faculty members have been awarded federal grants. The Department is well-represented at national Emergency Medicine research meetings.
Medical students and resident physicians are invited and encouraged to participate in research projects under the guidance of Emergency Medicine faculty in on-going studies and to develop independent research projects. Opportunities for interdepartmental collaborative research efforts and for basic science research exist within Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University. Resources are available to support student and resident research both in the Department and throughout the School of Medicine and Health Sciences Campus.
The Department of Emergency Medicine has active research programs in emergency ultrasound; acute neurological illness and injury such as acute stroke, status epilepticus, and traumatic brain injury; critical illness; and emerging infectious diseases.
I invite all residency candidates to contact me (ngentile@temple.edu) to discuss Emergency Medicine research opportunities at Temple.
Research Networks
The Department of Emergency Medicine is a Clinical Research Hub for a multi-site network of academic and community hospitals through the NIH-funded Strategies to Innovate Emergency Care Clinical Trials Network (SIREN). The goal of the SIREN Network is to improve the outcomes of patients with neurologic, cardiac, respiratory and hematologic emergencies by identifying effective treatments given in the earliest stages of care. The ambulance and emergency department are difficult venues in which to perform clinical trials, but it is often in the earliest phases of care that critical interventions are most likely to be effective for many neurological, cardiac and other emergent conditions. SIREN focuses on time sensitive interventions initiated in the emergency department or prior to hospital arrival, and other challenging acute care settings. Temple is the SIREN hub in the Philadelphia area and collaborators include institutions in both rural and urban settings.
EMERGEncy ID NET is an interdisciplinary, multicenter, ED-based network for research of emerging infectious diseases. EMERGEncy ID NET was established in cooperation with the National Center for Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as part of the CDC’s strategy to expand and complement existing disease detection and control activities. The network is based at 11 university-affiliated, urban hospital EDs with a combined annual patient visit census of more than 900,000. Data are collected during ED evaluation of patients with specific clinical syndromes, and are electronically stored, transferred, and analyzed at a central receiving site. Residents and students are invited to participate in on-going studies and to initiate related investigational studies.
Research Staff
- Clinical Research Nurse: Hannah Reimer, RN, BSN
- Clinical Research Nurse: Lillian Finlaw, RN, MPH
- Research Coordinator: George Souiarov
- Research Coordinator: Sarah Loughran
- Grants Administrator: Lilla Cervino, BS, RTM