The curriculum is designed to provide exposure to the complete field of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery during the five-year experience. Clinical rotations are divided into two to three month blocks. In the early years, residents are always under the close supervision of senior residents and faculty. There are no unsupervised resident clinics, and all patients are seen by supervising faculty during in-house consultation. Senior residents are given greater autonomy in their actions and greater responsibility for supervising and teaching junior residents and medical students.

The education program is listed below. Formal teaching consists of three hours of lecture by residents, staff and visiting professors on Wednesday mornings. Attendance is mandatory for all residents and faculty regardless of rotation. In addition to the two-year cycle of formalized lectures, periodic courses and lecture series are added on an annual basis. Residents are encouraged to attend and present research at regional and national scientific meetings.

Tumor Conference

A weekly tumor conference is held every Monday afternoon at Temple and every Friday morning at Fox Chase Cancer Center. It is attended by representatives from the Departments of Pathology, Radiology, Radiation Oncology, Hematology-Oncology, and supporting specialties. At Temple, cases are presented by junior or senior residents on their Temple rotation. Relevant radiologic and pathologic material is reviewed and management of each individual planned. The residents are involved in both presentation of the patients and the interactive discussions.

Temporal Bone Dissection Course

The temporal bone and surgical simulation lab is conducted under the direction of Dr. Tiffany Hwa. The Temporal Bone Lab is located on the Temple University Hospital Main Campus and has been recently renovated with brand new microscope and associated equipment. Residents are supplied with an unlimited supply of cadaveric temporal bones and multiple dissection manuals for reference. The dissection curriculum is divided into academic quarters annually: Basics of Temporal Bone Anatomy, Cochlear Implantation: Basic and Advanced Techniques, Chronic Ear Disease: Tympanomastoidectomy and Ossiculoplasty, and Lateral Skull Base Surgery.  We have optional (truly optional!) weekend open drilling sessions roughly every 6-8 weeks supervised by Dr. Hwa with lunch provided and drill supplies refreshed. There are several industry-supported events, including an implant electrode insertion practicum and a bone-anchored hearing aid practicum hosted by Cochlear Corporation held during protected academic time, and an annual a fresh frozen cadaveric skull base dissection course sponsored by Stryker and shared with the department of neurosurgery.

Wednesday Morning Conferences

From 7 to 10 a.m. each Wednesday, the core curriculum in Otolaryngology is conducted. Each morning is divided into three didactic hours. These include a combination of resident-led and faculty-led sessions, consisting of interactive lectures, quality assurance conferences, and journal clubs. Attending-led sessions may be conducted by Temple Otolaryngology faculty or by visiting faculty. The course material follows a bi-annual rotation and is organized jointly by Dr. Jamal and the chief residents. All major areas of otolaryngology and related fields are covered, as outlined by the American Board of Otolaryngology. Other important topics covered include Patient Safety/Quality Improvement, Business of Medicine (course currently under development), discussion of cutting edge research in the field, and a resident-led didactic series based on the COCLIA educational program. Attendance is mandatory for all residents.


Residents have a required research rotation in the third year of Otolaryngology training (PGY-3). They are encouraged and assisted in setting-up and completing either a major clinical or basic science research project. Completion of at least one research paper suitable for publication is a minimum requirement for completion of the residency, although residents are highly encouraged to submit at least one work for publication each year. Residents are encouraged to continuously participate in research and mentor medical students in clinical projects. Dr. Ahmed Soliman is our Vice Chair for Research and coordinates residents and investigators for collaboration.

Additional Curricula

In addition to the above, Temple Otolaryngology residents participate in novel educational opportunities, including a formal course in Patient Safety and Quality Improvement (PSQI), a two-year course in the Business of Medicine, and regular workshops on Physician Wellness. Completion of the PSQI curriculum leads to obtaining a Certificate in Quality and Safety from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement by the time of graduation. Residents also participate in a robust Simulation Curriculum, which includes (among other activities) an airway emergency simulation lab, cadaver dissection lab, and training in obtaining informed consent and disclosing adverse events using standardized patients.

Masters Degree in Urban Bioethics

Interested residents are encouraged to participate in the optional Masters in Urban Bioethics track, designed to fit within the Otolaryngology curriculum. Residents begin the program with several units of advanced standing, allowing participants to obtain a Masters Degree throughout the course of residency with a reduced coarse load and at little to no out-of-pockets costs.

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