Postdoctoral Opportunities

The Abdul-Aziz Laboratory at the Fels Cancer Institute for Personalized Medicine, Temple University and the Fox Chase Cancer Center is seeking ambitious and self-motivated Postdoctoral Fellows in Cancer Biology to join our efforts to further our understanding of the complex molecular mechanisms involved in the aging bone marrow microenvironment niche and its role in promoting adult myeloid leukemia development and response to therapy. The laboratory uses cutting-edge technologies and collaborations with leading scientists and clinicians to discover novel pathways and treatments for targeting adult leukemia and translate these advances into new treatments. Candidates should have a PhD (or equivalent) degree or be close to obtaining their doctoral degree and should have a passion for science and desire to impact cancer. Advanced molecular biology skills and familiarity with cancer pathogenesis, cell-based therapy and knowledge of molecular/genetic concepts, experimental methods, and data analysis, and ability to maximize resources for troubleshooting pertaining to research activities are essential. Experience using mouse models, a willingness to do animal work and being comfortable with handling of human blood and other tissues is desired.

To Apply: Email a CV, cover letter that states research interest(s) and goals, and the name of at least three references to Qualified candidates will then be invited for a preliminary zoom interview.


Post-doctoral positions are available in the Borriello laboratory,

Our lab focuses on understanding the mechanisms of dormancy and metastatic recurrence, with a particular emphasis on the role of the tumor microenvironment. We use a multi-disciplinary approach to study the biology of metastasis, integrating cell signaling, biochemistry, molecular biology, multiplex tissue imaging, several mouse models, and in vivo intravital imaging.

The Borriello Lab is seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic postdoctoral fellows  to join our team. We collaborate with investigators from both within the Lewis Katz School of Medicine and Fox Chase Cancer Center. We have access to state-of-the-art technologies in genomics, in vivo models and intravital imaging. The successful candidates will have the unique opportunity to work in a dynamic and stimulating academic environment, at a top-notch institution in the US. We are committed to building an inclusive environment that support professional development and scientific discoveries.

To learn more about our research please visit:

To apply, please submit a curriculum vitae, a brief summary of your research experience and why you are interested in our lab, and a list of three references to:

Lucia Borriello, PhD
Assistant Professor