Microbiome Research

Microbiome and Human Disease Initiative

Symbiotic relationship between microbes (microbiota) and the mammalian host is critical in many key aspects of life.  Conversely, defects in regulatory circuits of the host immune pathways or alterations of the microbiome (via infections, diet or lifestyle) may disturb this homeostasis and promote disease. Increasing evidence indicates a key role for microbiota in complex human diseases including autoimmune diseases, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases and neurodegenerative disorders. The Department of Microbiology and Immunology has a long-standing interest in microbial lifestyles, mechanisms of infections and inflammation. Microbiome and Human Disease Program provides assistance for the design and implementation of research projects that involve the microbiome. To better respond and facilitate collaborations, we took the initiative to establish a gnotobiotic (Germ-free) mouse room. Gnotobiotic (Germ-free) mouse room is currently operating under the supervision of Dr. Çağla Tükel. Although this is not a Core-facility, we aim to assist researchers at LKSOM through collaborations and to support grant applications as this new field of research is gaining significant momentum in the medical field. 

Please contact Dr. Çağla Tükel (ctukel@temple.edu), Bettina Buttaro (bbuttaro@temple.edu) or Vincent Tam  (Vincent.tam@temple.edu) for more information.