Message from the Medical Alumni Association President
Did you graduate from the Lewis Katz School of Medicine (LKSOM) or complete one of Temple’s residencies or fellowships? Then you’re a lifetime member of the Medical Alumni Association. There are many benefits, but no dues or fees.
As members of the Medical Alumni Association, we are in very fine company – joining the ranks of alumni with much to be proud of:
- Approximately 13,000 of us practice in primary care and subspecialty – in private practice, industry, academia, government and human service – all across the globe.
- Nearly 1,000 of us serve on medical school faculties across the United States, with hundreds holding full professorships and positions as chief or chair. Eleven alumni have served as medical school deans.
- Hundreds of us hold office in regional, national and international professional associations – and countless more serve our communities (and countries abroad) in volunteer leadership roles.
- We have made significant discoveries, written major texts, and invented tools, techniques and theories. In short, we continue to change the face of medicine with our insights and accomplishments.
With so many of these pride points tying directly back to our Temple experience, it feels good to stay connected and to give back.
Alumni are represented by the Board of Directors who work with the school to strengthen ties. We want to hear from you. Let us know how we can address your interests as a part of our diverse community.
And don't forget to follow the Lewis Katz School of Medicine on Instagram and Twitter @TempleMedSchool, and like us on Facebook!
Best regards,
Fred Liss, MD '85
President, Alumni Association of Lewis Katz School of Medicine