Aging + Cardiovascular Discovery Center

ACDC — Not just research…DISCOVERY

The newly formed Aging + Cardiovascular Discovery Center (ACDC) combines two renowned research centers and frequent collaborators — the Cardiovascular Research Center and the Center for Translational Medicine — into one scientific powerhouse.

ACDC’s goal is to identify new genes and processes driving aging-associated diseases – from heart attack to kidney failure, lung disease to Alzheimer's – and help translate these findings into new treatments.

The new combined structure strengthens the following: 

  • New training opportunities, including prestigious named fellowships for graduate students (MD, PhD, and MD/PhD candidates) and postdoctoral researchers.
  • Enhanced research experiences and team mentoring for Temple University undergraduates, graduate and medical students.
  • Stronger, collaborative grant applications to secure new research funding. This includes opportunities for larger, multi-lab awards from the National Institutes of Health (NIH), such as Program Project Grants already awarded to ACDC faculty.
  • Shared core facilities and more leading-edge technologies. For example, a new genomics single-cell sequencing core will enable ACDC researchers to analyze genes from individual cells, uncovering far more information than older techniques.
  • More integration with clinical departments to drive research projects that address today's most pressing medical questions. This will help more efficiently direct ACDC's basic science discoveries to translational projects for clinical application.