Flow Cytometry Core

Flow Cytometry Core Facility

Our facility performs a range of flow cytometry services that support researchers throughout Temple University with a broad array of analytical and cell-sorting needs. Services include panel design and consultation, technical advice, and collaboration on antibody and reagent selection, sample processing protocols, and data analysis — all at a regionally affordable rate.

Available Instruments


  • BD Influx with 4 lasers (488nm, 405nm, 561nm & 640nm) — Contained in a HEPA-Filtered enclosure, this instrument allows researchers to sort up to BSLII enhanced classification of samples using slides, plates, or tubes.*
  • BD FACSAriaIIu with 3 lasers (488nm, 633nm & 407nm) — Equipped with a HEPA-Filtered aerosol management system, this instrument is capable of detecting 12 parameters.*


  • BD LSRII with 4 lasers (488nm, 405nm, 633nm & 355nm) — This instrument can analyze up to 17 parameters at a rate of 70,000 events/second.
  • BD Symphony A5 SE with 5 lasers (488nm, 637nm, 405nm, 561nm & 355nm) — This state-of-the-art flagship analyzer can detect up to 28 parameters with high-performance photomultiplier tubes for optimal signal resolution. Because it is Spectral Enabled (SE), it allows researchers to adjust experiments when flow cytometry pivots from traditional to spectral analysis.

Other resources include FlowJo analysis software and several online tools with embedded configuration of all instruments to better support investigators in experiment design.

Thomas Rogers, PhD
Medical Education and Research Building, Room 1152

Amir Yarmahmoodi
Manager of Flow Cytometry Facility
Lab: 547 Medical Research Building
Office: 512 Kresge Hall

Flow Cytometry Facility
Medical Research Building (MRB)
Room 547