BSL-2 Sorting Facility
The BD Influx cell sorter is housed in the BSL-2 facility. It is a "jet-in-air" type cell sorter that generates cell-containing aerosols. In general, the droplet-based sorting of BSL-2 materials is considered BSL-3 practice. Because the Influx sorter is confined in a HEPA-filtered enclosure, we are able to analyze and sort live human cells and other BSL-2 materials using enhanced BSL-2 practices (see reference below).
All unfixed human and non-human primate (NHP) samples shall be handled while observing universal precautions, the concept that such materials are treated as if known to be infectious for HIV, HBV and other bloodborne pathogens.
Requirements for users working with unfixed human and NHP samples:
- Annual bloodborne pathogens training, provided by EHRS. Phone number, 2-2520.
- N-95 Respirator (3M 1860/1860s) fit testing with EHRS.
- Temple University offers Hepatitis B vaccine to all who are potentially exposed to bloodborne pathogens.
The vaccination is available through employee health departments. Please send the vaccination record to both of the following offices:
Mr. Thomas Johnston
Director of HR/Benefits Management
Temple Administrative Services Building (TASB)
First Floor, 2450 West Hunting Park Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19129
Phone: 215-926-2244 or 7-2244
Phone: 215-926-2276 or 7-2276
Fax: 215-926-2274 or 7-2274
Fax: 215-926-2288 or 7-2288
Joshua S. Rosenzweig, MD
Employee Health Physician
1810 Liacouras Walk-4th floor
Temple University
Office: 215-204-2883
Appointments: 215-204-2679
Fax: 215-204-1784
- Employees who decline to accept hepatitis B vaccination are required to complete the Hepatitis B Vaccine Declination Form.
- Full conformance with the Standard Operating Procedure and Exposure Control Plan. Complete the “ECP Personnel Sign-in List” located at the facility.
Transport of Samples
- Samples are double-packaged. At least one layer of packaging must be leak-proof.
- All human samples must be transported in an approved secondary container. The Nalgene® BioTransport Carrier 7135 (Fisher Cat. 152512) is recommended.
- The outer sides of the carrier are sprayed with a bleach solution and wiped. Gloves should not be worn to transport carriers outside the laboratory.
- A biohazard warning label shall be applied to the carrier to communicate the potential hazard of its contents.
Doorway Signs
- International Society for Analytical Cytology Biosafety Standard for Sorting of Unfixed Cells. Cytometry Part A 71A:414-437. 2007.