Getting Started

Hazard Assessment Form

To assure the assignment of proper safety practices and procedures, it is necessary to collect detailed information about all samples prior to receipt. The principal investigator is responsible for completion of the Hazard Assessment Form (DOC). To schedule cell sorting, the form must be submitted to David Ambrose at least 48 hours prior to each sort. Work will not proceed until the safety approval is granted. For acquisition on analyzers, the form should be submitted for each new type of cell.

An approved IBC protocol number permitting the flow cytometry analysis or cell sorting is required on the form. The IBC protocol should include the end user's name and permission to work at the flow cytometry facility (MRB 547). If you have questions about the IBC protocol, please contact the IBC chair, Dr. Thomas Rogers, at

The influx cell sorter is the only instrument that permits BSL-2 work. All other instruments are BSL-1; unfixed human cells and potential infectious materials are not permitted.

Flow Cytometry Requisition Form

The Flow Cytometry Requisition Form (EXCEL) is for billing purposes, valid for one fiscal year. Please submit a new form before July 1 of the next year. The principal investigator should file the form with your department administrator. The administrator then emails it to:

        Tammy Jacobs (
        CILR/MERB Room 1172A

Access to MRB 547

The facility can be accessed 24/7 by card swipe. New users can have access after proper training. Experienced users can get access by sending an email to Amir Yarmahmoodi at with "Card Access MRB 547" as the subject line. Please include user's name, TU ID and phone number.

Online Reservations

  • After submitting a Hazard Assessment Form, you will receive an invitation email to the Google Calendar.
  • Login to Temple email from a web browser. Click on Calendar menu at the top.
  • Reservation format: cytometer name / your name / PI name / phone number. If you need assistance from staff, please specify "assistance".
  • Example: "Calibur / Lis / Skorski / 2-1234 / assistance for 1 h".
  • Please make cancellations as soon as possible, so other users can use the cytometer.
  • Important: By default, your personal calendar and Flow Core Facility calendar are both activated. You can tell which calendar is displayed by the colored check box to the left of the calendar name. See example below.
  • When your personal calendar is displayed, by default the booking is added only to your personal calendar, and others cannot see your booking. Please select Flow Core Facility calendar from the drop-down menu to book on Flow Calendar. A safe way is to deactivate the personal calendar before booking.
  • Leave other settings as default.


  • Basic training for Calibur includes 1 hour of theory and 1 hour of practice on the instrument. Training is scheduled on the first Friday of every month from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • Advanced training for LSR II includes practice on the instrument.  Training is scheduled on the second Friday of every month from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
  • To schedule a training session, please send an email to Amir Yarmahmoodi at