Kamel Khalili, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationChair and ProfessorNeuroscienceLaura H. Carnell ProfessorComprehensive NeuroAIDS CenterDirectorCenter For Neurovirology and Gene EditingDirector and ProfessorEmailkamel.khalili@temple.eduDirect215 7075192ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Kamel Khalili, PhD. Karim Bahmed, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCenter for Inflammation and Lung ResearchAssistant ProfessorMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationAssistant ProfessorEmailtug31625@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Karim Bahmed, PhD. Bettina Buttaro, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineBiomedical Education and Data ScienceAssociate ProfessorSol Sherry Thrombosis Research CenterAssociate ProfessorMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationAssociate ProfessorCenter for Microbiology and ImmunologyAssociate ProfessorEmailbettina.buttaro@temple.eduDirect215 7073212ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Bettina Buttaro, PhD. Rafal KaminskiLewis Katz School of MedicineCenter For Neurovirology and Gene EditingAssistant ProfessorNeural SciencesAssistant ProfessorComprehensive NeuroAIDS CenterAssistant ProfessorEmailrafal.kaminski@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Rafal Kaminski. Laurie Kilpatrick, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineAssociate Dean of ResearchMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationProfessorCenter for Inflammation and Lung ResearchProfessorThoracic Medicine and SurgeryProfessorSol Sherry Thrombosis Research CenterProfessorEmaillaurie.kilpatrick@temple.eduDirect215 7078420ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Laurie Kilpatrick, PhD. Beata Kosmider, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCenter for Inflammation and Lung ResearchDirector and ProfessorMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationProfessorThoracic Medicine and SurgeryProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorCardiovascular SciencesProfessorEmailbeata.kosmider@temple.eduDirect215 7079084ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Beata Kosmider, PhD. Thomas Rogers, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCenter for Inflammation and Lung ResearchProfessorMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationProfessorCenter for Substance Abuse ResearchProfessorFels Cancer Institute for Personalized MedicineProfessorEmailrogerst@temple.eduDirect215 7073215ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Thomas Rogers, PhD. Mahmut Safak, PhD, MSLewis Katz School of MedicineMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationAssociate ProfessorCenter For Neurovirology and Gene EditingAssociate ProfessorCardiovascular SciencesAssistant ProfessorEmailmahmut.safak@temple.eduDirect215 7076338ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Mahmut Safak, PhD, MS. Umadevi Sajjan, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationAssociate ProfessorCenter for Inflammation and Lung ResearchAssociate ProfessorThoracic Medicine and SurgeryAssociate ProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceAssociate ProfessorEmailuma.sajjan@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Umadevi Sajjan, PhD. Ilker Sariyer, DVM, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationAssociate ProfessorCenter for Neurovirology & Gene EditingAssociate ProfessorComprehensive NeuroAIDS CenterAssociate ProfessorEmaililker.sariyer@temple.eduDirect215 7076337ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Ilker Sariyer, DVM, PhD. Vincent Tam, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationAssociate ProfessorCenter for Microbiology and ImmunologyAssistant ProfessorMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryAssistant ProfessorEmailvincent.tam@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Vincent Tam, PhD. Çagla Tükel, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCenter for Microbiology and ImmunologyDirector and Associate ProfessorMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationAssociate ProfessorEmailcagla.tukel@temple.eduDirect215 7071298ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Çagla Tükel, PhD. Hassen Wollebo, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCenter For Neurovirology and Gene EditingAssistant ProfessorMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationAssistant ProfessorCancer and Cellular BiologyAssistant ProfessorEmailhassen.wollebo@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Hassen Wollebo, PhD.