Michael Autieri, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineLemole Center for Integrated Lymphatics and Vascular ResearchDirector and ProfessorCardiovascular Research CenterAssociate Director and ProfessorCenter for Metabolic Disease ResearchProfessorSol Sherry Thrombosis Research CenterProfessorCardiovascular SciencesProfessorEmailmichael.autieri@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Michael Autieri, PhD. Mary Barbe, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineAging + Cardiovascular Discovery CenterProfessorCardiovascular SciencesProfessorCenter for Substance Abuse ResearchProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorNeural SciencesProfessorComprehensive NeuroAIDS CenterProfessorEmailmary.barbe@temple.eduDirect215 7076422ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Mary Barbe, PhD. John Elrod, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineAging + Cardiovascular Discovery CenterDirector and ProfessorEmailelrod@temple.eduDirect215 707 4045ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of John Elrod, PhD. Conchi Estarás, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineAging + Cardiovascular Discovery CenterAssistant ProfessorMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryAssistant ProfessorCardiovascular SciencesAssistant ProfessorEmailconcepcion.estaras@temple.eduDirect215 7075465ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Conchi Estarás, PhD. Erhe Gao, MD, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineAging + Cardiovascular Discovery CenterProfessorCenter for Metabolic Disease ResearchAssistant ProfessorEmailerhe.gao@temple.eduDirect215 7079435ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Erhe Gao, MD, PhD. Ralph Horwitz, MDLewis Katz School of MedicineAging + Cardiovascular Discovery CenterProfessorCardiovascular SciencesProfessorEmailralph.horwitz@tuhs.temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Ralph Horwitz, MD. Steven Houser, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineAging + Cardiovascular Discovery CenterProfessor EmeritusEmailsteven.houser@temple.eduDirect215 7073278ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Steven Houser, PhD. Mohsin Khan, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCardiovascular SciencesAssociate ProfessorCenter for Metabolic Disease ResearchAssociate ProfessorEmailmohsin.khan@temple.eduDirect215 7071921ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Mohsin Khan, PhD. Raj Kishore, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineAging + Cardiovascular Discovery CenterProfessorCardiovascular SciencesChair and ProfessorLemole Center for Integrated Lymphatics and Vascular ResearchProfessorMedicineProfessorEmailraj.kishore@temple.eduDirect215 7072523ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Raj Kishore, PhD. Beata Kosmider, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCenter for Inflammation and Lung ResearchDirector and ProfessorMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationProfessorThoracic Medicine and SurgeryProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorCardiovascular SciencesProfessorEmailbeata.kosmider@temple.eduDirect215 7079084ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Beata Kosmider, PhD. Satya Kunapuli, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineSol Sherry Thrombosis Research CenterDirector and ProfessorCardiovascular SciencesProfessorEmailsatya.kunapuli@temple.eduDirect215 7074615ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Satya Kunapuli, PhD. Xiaolei Liu, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCardiovascular SciencesAssistant ProfessorLemole Center for Integrated Lymphatics and Vascular ResearchAssistant ProfessorEmailxiaolei.liu@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Xiaolei Liu, PhD. Sadia Mohsin, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineAging + Cardiovascular Discovery CenterAssistant ProfessorCardiovascular SciencesAssistant ProfessorEmailsadia.mohsin@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Sadia Mohsin, PhD. Abdel Karim Sabri, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCardiovascular SciencesProfessorAlzheimer's Center at TempleProfessorCenter for Metabolic Disease ResearchProfessorSol Sherry Thrombosis Research CenterProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorEmailsabri@temple.eduDirect215 7074915ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Abdel Karim Sabri, PhD. Jillian Simon, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineAging + Cardiovascular Discovery CenterAssistant ProfessorCardiovascular SciencesAssistant ProfessorEmailjillian.simon@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Jillian Simon, PhD. Nathaniel W. Snyder, PhD, MPHLewis Katz School of MedicineAging + Cardiovascular Discovery CenterAssociate ProfessorCardiovascular SciencesAssistant ProfessorCenter for Metabolic Disease ResearchAssociate ProfessorCancer and Cellular BiologyAssistant ProfessorEmailnatewsnyder@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Nathaniel W. Snyder, PhD, MPH. Ying Tian, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineAging + Cardiovascular Discovery CenterAssociate ProfessorCardiovascular SciencesAssociate ProfessorMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationAssociate ProfessorEmailying.tian@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Ying Tian, PhD. Douglas Tilley, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineAging + Cardiovascular Discovery CenterAssistant Dean and ProfessorCardiovascular SciencesProfessorLemole Center for Integrated Lymphatics and Vascular ResearchProfessorEmaildouglas.tilley@temple.eduDirect215 7079758ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Douglas Tilley, PhD. Alexander Y. Tsygankov, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCardiovascular SciencesAssociate ProfessorSol Sherry Thrombosis Research CenterAssociate ProfessorFels Cancer Institute for Personalized MedicineAssociate ProfessorMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationAssociate ProfessorEmailalexander.tsygankov@temple.eduDirect215 7071745ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Alexander Y. Tsygankov, PhD. Hong Wang, MD, PhD, EMBALewis Katz School of MedicineLaura H. Carnell ProfessorCenter for Metabolic Disease ResearchDirector and ProfessorCardiovascular Research CenterProfessorSol Sherry Thrombosis Research CenterProfessorMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationProfessorEmailhongw@temple.eduDirect215 7075986ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Hong Wang, MD, PhD, EMBA. Kevin Williams, MDLewis Katz School of MedicineAging + Cardiovascular Discovery CenterProfessorCardiovascular SciencesProfessorMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryProfessorEmailkjwilliams@temple.eduDirect215 7074746ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Kevin Williams, MD. Marla Wolfson, MS, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineAging + Cardiovascular Discovery CenterProfessorCardiovascular SciencesProfessor EmeritusThoracic Medicine and SurgeryProfessorPediatricsProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorPhysiologyProfessorEmailmarla.wolfson@temple.eduDirect215 7074573ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Marla Wolfson, MS, PhD. Sheng Wu, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCardiovascular SciencesAssociate ProfessorCenter for Metabolic Disease ResearchAssociate ProfessorMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryAssociate ProfessorEmailsheng.wu@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Sheng Wu, PhD. Xiao-Feng Yang, MD, PhD, FAHALewis Katz School of MedicineLemole Center for Integrated Lymphatics and Vascular ResearchProfessor and Associate DirectorCardiovascular SciencesProfessorCenter for Metabolic Disease ResearchProfessorMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationResearch ProfessorSol Sherry Thrombosis Research CenterProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorEmailxfyang@temple.eduDirect215 7075985ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Xiao-Feng Yang, MD, PhD, FAHA. Jun Yu, MD, FAHALewis Katz School of MedicineCardiovascular SciencesProfessor and Vice ChairBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorCenter for Metabolic Disease ResearchProfessorEmailjun.yu@temple.eduDirect215 7073286ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Jun Yu, MD, FAHA. Wei Zhang, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCardiovascular SciencesAssistant ProfessorEmailwei.zhang0008@temple.eduDirect ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Wei Zhang, PhD.