Glenn Gerhard, MDLewis Katz School of MedicineMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryChair and ProfessorJoseph and Rebecca Goodfriend Endowed ChairPathology and Laboratory MedicineProfessorEmailgsgerhard@temple.eduDirect215 7075415ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Glenn Gerhard, MD. Ana Gamero, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineFels Cancer Institute for Personalized MedicineAssociate ProfessorCancer and Cellular BiologyAssociate ProfessorMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryAssociate ProfessorEmailgameroa@temple.eduDirect215 7071268ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Ana Gamero, PhD. Kathleen Giangiacomo, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryAssociate ProfessorAssociate ProfessorEmailkathleen.giangiacomo@temple.eduDirect215 7078258ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Kathleen Giangiacomo, PhD. Xavier Graña-Amat, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCancer and Cellular BiologyProfessorFels Cancer Institute for Personalized MedicineProfessorMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorEmailxavier@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Xavier Graña-Amat, PhD. Dale Haines, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineFels Cancer Institute for Personalized MedicineAssociate ProfessorMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryAssociate ProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceAssociate ProfessorEmaildale.haines@temple.eduDirect215 7075765ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Dale Haines, PhD. Parkson Lee-Gau Chong, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryProfessorCenter for Substance Abuse ResearchProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorEmailparkson.lee-gau.chong@temple.eduDirect215 7074182ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Parkson Lee-Gau Chong, PhD. Brad Rothberg, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryProfessorEmailbrad.rothberg@temple.eduDirect215 7070855ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Brad Rothberg, PhD. Scott Shore, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineGraduate and Postbaccalaureate ProgramsAssociate DeanFels Cancer Institute for Personalized MedicineAssociate ProfessorMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryAssociate ProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceAssociate ProfessorEmailscott.shore@temple.eduDirect215 7073359ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Scott Shore, PhD. Jonathan Soboloff, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCancer and Cellular BiologyProfessorFels Cancer Institute for Personalized MedicineProfessorMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryProfessorMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationProfessorEmailjonathan.soboloff@temple.eduDirect215 7076567ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Jonathan Soboloff, PhD. Ling Yang, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryAssociate ProfessorEmailling.yang@temple.eduDirect215 7073779ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Ling Yang, PhD. Huiliang Zhang, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryAssistant ProfessorDirect ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Huiliang Zhang, PhD.