Ellen UnterwaldLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesChair and ProfessorCenter for Substance Abuse ResearchProfessorEmailellen.unterwald@temple.eduDirect215 7071681ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Ellen Unterwald. James Barrett, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCenter for Substance Abuse ResearchAdjunct ProfessorNeural SciencesAdjunct ProfessorEmailjames.barrett0001@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of James Barrett, PhD. Silvia Fossati, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineAlzheimer's Center at TempleDirector and Associate ProfessorCardiovascular SciencesAssociate ProfessorLemole Center for Integrated Lymphatics and Vascular ResearchAssociate ProfessorNeural SciencesAssociate ProfessorEmailsilvia.fossati@temple.eduDirect215 7076046ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Silvia Fossati, PhD. Gianluca Gallo, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesProfessorCenter for Neural Development and RepairProfessorCancer and Cellular BiologyProfessorEmailgianluca.gallo@temple.eduDirect215 9269362ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Gianluca Gallo, PhD. Jacqueline Giovanniello, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesAssistant ProfessorDirect ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Jacqueline Giovanniello, PhD. Shin Kang, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesAssociate ProfessorCenter for Neural Development and RepairAssociate ProfessorEmailshin.kang@temple.eduDirect215 9269357ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Shin Kang, PhD. Seonhee Kim, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCenter for Neural Development and RepairAssociate ProfessorNeural SciencesAssociate ProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceAssociate ProfessorEmailseonhee.kim@temple.eduDirect215 9269360ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Seonhee Kim, PhD. Lynn Kirby, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesProfessorCenter for Substance Abuse ResearchProfessorEmaillynn.kirby@temple.eduDirect215 9269360ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Lynn Kirby, PhD. Barbara Krynska, MS, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCenter for Neural Development and RepairAssociate ProfessorNeural SciencesAssociate ProfessorEmailbarbara.krynska@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Barbara Krynska, MS, PhD. Munir Gunes Kutlu, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesAssistant ProfessorCenter for Substance Abuse ResearchAssistant ProfessorExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Munir Gunes Kutlu, PhD. Shuxin Li, MD, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesProfessorCenter for Neural Development and RepairProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorEmailshuxin.li@temple.eduDirect215 9269365ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Shuxin Li, MD, PhD. Lee-Yuan Liu-Chen, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesProfessorCenter for Substance Abuse ResearchProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorEmaillee-yuan.liu-chen@temple.eduDirect215 7074188ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Lee-Yuan Liu-Chen, PhD. Victor Luna, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesAssistant ProfessorAlzheimer's Center at TempleAssistant ProfessorEmailvictor.luna@temple.eduDirect215 9269353ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Victor Luna, PhD. Domenico Praticò, MD, FCPPLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesProfessorAlzheimer's Center at TempleProfessorEmaildomenico.pratico@temple.eduDirect215-707-9380ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Domenico Praticò, MD, FCPP. Scott Rawls, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesProfessorCenter for Substance Abuse ResearchProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorEmailscott.rawls@temple.eduDirect215 7074942ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Scott Rawls, PhD. Michael Selzer, MD, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesProfessorCenter for Neural Development and RepairProfessorEmailmselzer@temple.eduDirect215 9269318ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Michael Selzer, MD, PhD. Stephanie Daws, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesAssistant ProfessorCenter for Substance Abuse ResearchAssistant ProfessorEmailstephanie.daws@temple.eduDirect215 7076579ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Stephanie Daws, PhD. George Smith, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineCenter for Neural Development and RepairInterim Director and ProfessorNeural SciencesVice Chair and ProfessorMedical Genetics and Molecular BiochemistryProfessorEmailgeorge.smith@temple.eduDirect215 7079359ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of George Smith, PhD. Young-Jin Son, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesProfessorCenter for Neural Development and RepairProfessorEmailyson@temple.eduDirect215 9269354ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Young-Jin Son, PhD. Gareth ThomasLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesAssociate ProfessorCenter for Neural Development and RepairAssociate ProfessorBiomedical Education and Data ScienceAssociate ProfessorEmailgareth.thomas@temple.eduDirect215-926-9355ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Gareth Thomas. Sara WardLewis Katz School of MedicineNeural SciencesAssistant ProfessorCenter for Substance Abuse ResearchAssistant ProfessorEmailsara.ward@temple.eduDirect215 7076112ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Sara Ward.