Steven Popoff, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineBiomedical Education and Data ScienceChair and ProfessorOrthopaedic Surgery and Sports MedicineProfessorEmailspopoff@temple.eduDirect215 7073163ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Steven Popoff, PhD. Amy H. Amabile, PhD, MPTLewis Katz School of MedicineBiomedical Education and Data ScienceAssociate ProfessorView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Amy H. Amabile, PhD, MPT. Bettina Buttaro, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineBiomedical Education and Data ScienceAssociate ProfessorSol Sherry Thrombosis Research CenterAssociate ProfessorMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationAssociate ProfessorCenter for Microbiology and ImmunologyAssociate ProfessorEmailbettina.buttaro@temple.eduDirect215 7073212ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Bettina Buttaro, PhD. Marion Chan, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineBiomedical Education and Data ScienceAssociate ProfessorMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationAssociate ProfessorEmailmarion.chan@temple.eduDirect215 7078262ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Marion Chan, PhD. Yuan Gao, MDLewis Katz School of MedicineBiomedical Education and Data ScienceAssistant ProfessorEmailyuan.gao0009@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Yuan Gao, MD. Nicole Griffin, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorEmailnicole.griffin@temple.eduDirect215 7073384ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Nicole Griffin, PhD. Kathy Keefe, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineBiomedical Education and Data ScienceAssistant ProfessorView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Kathy Keefe, PhD. Jinha Lee, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineBiomedical Education and Data ScienceAssistant ProfessorEmailjinha.lee@temple.eduDirect 215-707-2943ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Jinha Lee, PhD. Judith Litvin (Daniels), PhDLewis Katz School of MedicinePhase 1Assistant DeanBiomedical Education and Data ScienceAssociate ProfessorFels Cancer Institute for Personalized MedicineAssociate ProfessorEmailjudith.litvin@temple.eduDirect215 7072070ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Judith Litvin (Daniels), PhD. Marc Monestier, MD, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorMicrobiology, Immunology and InflammationProfessorCenter for Microbiology and ImmunologyProfessorEmailmarc.monestier@temple.eduDirect215 7071744ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Marc Monestier, MD, PhD. Rebecca Petre Sullivan, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineBiomedical Education and Data ScienceVice ChairProfessorCardiovascular SciencesAssociate ProfessorEmailrebecca.sullivan@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Rebecca Petre Sullivan, PhD. Victor Rizzo, PhD, FAHALewis Katz School of MedicineAging + Cardiovascular Discovery CenterProfessorCardiovascular SciencesProfessorEmailvictor.rizzo@temple.eduDirect215-707-9863ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Victor Rizzo, PhD, FAHA. William Robinson, DPT, Ph.D.Lewis Katz School of MedicineBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorEmailbill.robinson@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of William Robinson, DPT, Ph.D.. Gerald Sterling, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineBiomedical Education and Data ScienceProfessorEmailgerald.sterling@temple.eduDirect215 7074458ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Gerald Sterling, PhD. Sean Thatcher, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineBiomedical Education and Data ScienceAssistant ProfessorEmailsean.thatcher@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Sean Thatcher, PhD. Marcus J. Wagner, PhDLewis Katz School of MedicineBiomedical Education and Data ScienceAssistant ProfessorEmailwagner@temple.eduDirect215-707-1880ExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Marcus J. Wagner, PhD. Daohai Yu, PhD, MSLewis Katz School of MedicineCenter for Biostatistics and EpidemiologyProfessorCancer and Cellular BiologyProfessorEmaildaohai.yu@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Daohai Yu, PhD, MS. Huaqing Zhao, PhD, MSLewis Katz School of MedicineCenter for Biostatistics and EpidemiologyProfessorNeural SciencesProfessorEmailhuaqing.zhao@temple.eduExpandView ProfileCopy LinkCopy link for the profile page of Huaqing Zhao, PhD, MS.