Office of Faculty Affairs

Office of Faculty Affairs

The Office of Faculty Affairs is involved in the recruitment, appointment, reappointment, tenure and promotion of faculty at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University. The Office also supports various faculty activities including, but not limited to, faculty mentoring and development.

Assistance is available to individual faculty members, to department chairs and center directors and to department/center administrators in the development of materials to be included in dossiers for faculty appointments, promotion and tenure.

For faculty policies, procedures and forms, please visit Resources for Faculty.

Office of Faculty Affairs
Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University
11th Floor, Medical Education and Research Building (MERB)
3500 North Broad Street
Philadelphia, PA, 19140
Phone: 215-707-9582
Fax: 215-707-9583

Heather E. Clauss, MD, FACP, FIDSA
Senior Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs
Professor, Clinical Medicine
MERB Room 1111-J

Douglas Tilley, PhD, FAHA
Assistant Dean, Faculty Affairs
Professor, Center for Translational Medicine
Department of Cardiovascular Sciences
MERB Room 1111-K

Bryant Tabb
Senior Director, Faculty Affairs
MERB Room 1111-L
Phone: 215-707-0163
Fax: 215-707-4695

Aileen R. Rollins
Director, Database Analyst, Faculty Affairs
MERB Room 1111-H
Phone: 215-707-7413

Kim D. Allen
Assistant Director, Faculty Affairs
MERB Room 1112-K 
Phone: 215-707-0784

Kiran Matsko, JD, MBE
Director, Conflict of Interest
MERB Room 1111-G
Phone: 215-707-1986

Frankie Brown
Lead Administrative Specialist
MERB Room 1112-N 
Phone: 215-707-2508

A. Vanetta Grant
Senior Administrative Coordinator
MERB Room 1112-L  
Phone: 215-707-8495

Sharon Kass
Administrative Coordinator
MERB Room 1111-C  
Phone: 215-707-3097

Sheila A. McMillan
Lead Administrative Specialist
MERB Room 1111-C
Phone: 215-707-4019

Patricia A. Pileggi
Administrative Coordinator
MERB Room 1111-C
Phone: 215-707-9582
Fax: 215-707-9583

Ryekisha Roark-Adams
Lead Administrative Specialist
MERB Room 1111-C
Phone: 215-707-9502