Developmental Core

Developmental Core

This core provides an organization and structure that will effectively integrate mentorship and new project development with the utilization of the other cores to achieve the objectives of the Comprehensive NeuroAIDS Center (CNAC). This core provides financial support for novel and innovative studies that take the field of NeuroAIDS in new directions, in studies ranging from basic to translational/clinical studies. Through the letter of intent and application process, applicants are provided mentorship and guidance via interaction with relevant CNAC members and/or Core leaders in order to foster successful project and career development. While this mechanism of support is primarily designed for junior faculty, we encourage application from clinicians who would like to develop research programs, potentially in collaboration with a basic scientist, or from more senior researchers wishing to pursue novel research directions.


Tricia H. Burdo, PhD
Developmental Core Leader
Department of Neuroscience
3500 N. Broad Street
Room 746, MERB
Philadelphia, PA 19140