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Andrew Deak, MD
Andrew Deak, MD

Temple, Internal Medicine Residency, Class of 2025

Medical school: Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University 

Hometown: Columbus, Ohio

Career Interests: Cardiology, academic medicine, mentorship 

In my free time: I love spending time with my friends (who happen to be my co-residents!) outside of the hospital, specifically going out to restaurants, going to Phillies games, watching Philly sports, and enjoying all that the Philly food and sports scene has to offer. I enjoy spending time with my family, especially my nieces and nephews, and my lovely fiancé. To decompress after a long shift at the hospital, I love to exercise, go for runs on the multiple river trails in Philly, and go golfing with friends. 

Favorite Thing About Temple: The people. Not only my co-residents, who have become some of my best friends in the world, but also the attendings, the ancillary staff, and almost everyone you encounter on a daily basis. Everyone is friendly, enthusiastic about their jobs, and eager to help you without judgment. There is no hierarchy in the internal medicine program. Each student, resident, and attending is treated with the same respect, and everyone is encouraged to voice their opinions as colleagues.

Favorite thing about Philly: The passion of the residents of the city, especially for their sports teams. There is always somewhere to go to watch the game with some passionate Philly sports fans!

Fun fact: I have played guitar and sang for over 10 years. I use it to stimulate my mind about something other than medicine, and it is a great way to blow off steam after a long shift at the hospital.

Koura Sall, DO
Koura Sall, DO

Temple, Internal Medicine Residency, Class of 2025

Medical School: Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine

Hometown: Dakar, Senegal, and Libreville Gabon

Career Interests: Cardiology, Cardiovascular diseases in women, cardio-obstetrics, QI

In My Free Time: I love cooking Senegalese and Thai food; I frequently host my friends in my apartment to share a meal together. I also love to read novels or my Quran. Staying active is crucial to my mental and physical wellbeing so I prioritize cycling, long walks, and running a couple of miles each week. Lastly, I love traveling and exploring new cultures and meeting people from different backgrounds. 

Favorite Thing about Temple: The patients and hospital staff. There's this familiar feel, people are accessible, helpful, and  everyone is so dedicated to our patient's care and wellbeing. Our patients constantly challenge me, teach me lessons about medicine and real life, and keep me humble and grateful about things we take for granted. There's no dull moment at Temple because of our patients!

Favorite Thing about Philly: The laid-back atmosphere it has for a big city in the east coast. It is an affordable city rich in culture and history, with plenty of outdoor spaces for concerts,  sport, and other activities. I love the halal food scene in Philly too! Truly unmatched in my opinion.

Fun Fact:  I speak 3 languages fluently: English, French, and Wolof. I speak conversational Arabic and can read/write it too. My spanish is a work in progress.

Rachel Thomas, MD
Rachel Thomas, MD

Temple, Internal Medicine Residency, Class of 2025

Medical school: Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University 

Hometown: Yardley, PA 

Career interests: Hematology/oncology, immunology, academic medicine 

In my free time: I love to exercise by weightlifting and running on the many beautiful roads and trails in Philly. I am often found reading fantasy and science fiction novels. I’ve traveled to many national parks throughout medical school and residency and have been fortunate to go abroad recently to Europe and Asia too! I like to explore Philly and have found it always has something new and different to show me. 

Favorite thing at Temple: The residents and faculty! The camaraderie here is unbeatable. I've made lifelong friends and formed wonderfully fulfilling relationships in my time here. I know that when things get rough, I will always find help and support when I reach out for it. 

Favorite thing about Philly: the food scene, the different neighborhoods, the way you can walk and explore so much of it and find rich history everywhere! 

Fun fact: I was a chemist at L'Oréal prior to starting medical school.